People are putting up Christmas lights to spread cheer during quarantine
People are putting up Christmas lights to spread cheer during quarantine

Christmas came early this year — nine months early, to be exact.

Since people worldwide are being instructed to practice social distancing.

Some households have decided to put their Christmas lights and decorations back up... in an effort to give everyone something fun to look at from the safety and comfort of their car.

The idea for an early Christmas came from sports broadcaster Lane Grindle.

On March 15, he wrote on Twitter, “What if we all put our Christmas lights back up?

Then we could get in the car and drive around and look at them.

Though Grindle proposed his idea just a few days ago, it hasn’t taken long for people to break out their Christmas lights.

“What you said made me feel so cheerful.

Thank you very much.

I just love Christmas!” one Twitter user wrote.

“Thank you for this great idea at a dark time!” another Twitter user wrote alongside a photo of her house adorned with lights.

During these trying times, a little bit of Christmas spirit is exactly what everyone needs