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Sunday, June 2, 2024

WAAY 31 Cornavirus Concerns Q&A: Will I lose my unemployment benefits?

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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WAAY 31 Cornavirus Concerns Q&A: Will I lose my unemployment benefits?
WAAY 31 Cornavirus Concerns Q&A: Will I lose my unemployment benefits?
WAAY 31 Cornavirus Concerns Q&A: Will I lose my unemployment benefits?

Quarantine them to reduce transmission to these.

>> dan shaffer: mayor, this question is for you.

Jessica is asking about unemployment benefits.

I and many of my co-workers have filed unemployment and are receiving benefits.

Now we have received word that our company plans on paying us an average of our salary on april 17th through the paycheck protection program.

Will we lose our employment benefits by informing the state that we receive payments from our employer?

Or will the state suspend benefits and then pick it back up if or when we don't get paid?

>> mayor underwood: great question.

Hello, jessica.

I appreciate that question.

I would like to get some general changes that have taken place with the state unemployment program and we'll back into how to get a specific answer to that question.

March 29th was when the state began paying the additional money for state unemployment above and beyond what normally is paid.

It has turned the federal p pandemic unemployment compensation act.

That means your normal compensation rate plus $600 per week.

Those began march 29th.

Now, the good thing is there's nothing you need to do in addition to apply for that.

When you make application for unemployment, that will be included in it.

And i want to give you two things to -- two ways to contact the state employment office, depadepartment of labor.

First is online, and that is

Or you can call at 86 866-234-5382.

Now, this is a very specific question, so i would suggest you make that phone call to the state so you can converse with them about the situation.

I would like to say there's two things that are pretty significant that are changes to the $600 to the way

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