Trump Says States Can Reopen, Acknowledges Decision Is Theirs
Trump Says States Can Reopen, Acknowledges Decision Is Theirs

Trump Says States Can Reopen, Acknowledges Decision Is Theirs President Trump announced on Thursday that states can start reopening businesses and restaurants by May 1 or sooner if they choose.

The announcement contradicted his previous statement that the president has total authority to make decisions for each state.

The announcement also included guidelines for a slow return to work and school over the coming weeks.

President Trump, via statement The president previously said that some states were “in very, very good shape,” and as many as 29 states could reopen soon.

New York and other states in the Northeast will likely remain closed for weeks until the death toll and hospital admissions begin to decline.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi dismissed Trump's new guidelines and continued to push for more testing.

Nancy Pelosi, via statement