Huge crowds of young people ignored COVID-19 precautions and slam dancing into each other at a music festival in Greece
Huge crowds of young people ignored COVID-19 precautions and slam dancing into each other at a music festival in Greece

Huge crowds of young people ignored COVID-19 precautions and slam dancing into each other during a music festival in Greece.

Chairs flying at a rock concert in Greece as spectators dancing en masse abolished the seats placed to keep a minimum distance between the audience.

Thousands attended Long Beach music festival on Saturday 25/7, in Pieria Greece, the event started with all spectators screened with a contactless thermometer at the gate and audience seats placed with a minimum distance according to official COVID-19 containment measures.

Τhe situation quickly changed and the rules were circumvented as passionate spectators began to flock in front of the stage which turned into an area of incredible crowding.