Instagram launches new Live Room feature allowing four people go live at once
Instagram launches new Live Room feature allowing four people go live at once

Image and video-sharing social networking service, Instagram recently launched a new feature globally, which will now allow four people to video chat in a live broadcast, compared to the previous limit of two.

Instagram's blog post on Monday said that it hopes the feature encourages people to start a "talk show or a podcast," host a "jam session," or collaborate with other creators.

This also means that now the live rooms can also attract larger audiences.

The followers of everyone participating will see the live room and, depending on their notifications, be pinged about it, though the ones blocked won't be able to join the live.

The easiest comparison to this new Instagram feature is Clubhouse, which is a buzzy social audio app that lets people go live in rooms. More than 10 people can speak at once, and rooms can reach up to 8,000 people before they're full.

Reportedly, Facebook is building a direct competitor, but till then Instagram Live could capture some people who might be interested in Clubhouse but can't access it currently as it's invite-only and only available through iOS devices.