Diversity at DDB is Driving Business to This Venerable Madison Avenue Agency
Diversity at DDB is Driving Business to This Venerable Madison Avenue Agency

Diversity and inclusion among the ranks is essential, but it's the impact of a diverse workforce on the work that that serves client needs and drives incremental business, says Justin Thomas-Copeland, CEO of DDB North America, in this fireside conversation with Rita Ferro, President of Disney Advertising Sales.

Thomas-Copeland, the first Black CEO of the venerable Madison Avenue institution, formerly known as Doyle Dane Bernbach, has implemented a number of processes around hiring and talent development.

The move towards diversity and inclusion on a global level is being headed by Nikki Lamba, the newly appointed Global Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at DDB.

Speaking of the industry-leading changes at the Omnicom creative shop, "We are going bigger (with D&I) and it's paying off," he tells Ferro.

This 5-part series abut diversity and inclusion is made possible by a generous contribution to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico  from Disney Advertising Sales.

Editor’s Note: Since 2017, I have been been an advocate for this group.

Please find the latest video report from San Juan with the Clubs’ president Olga Ramos.

You can make a tax deductible contribution right here.

Gracias Rita and Justin.