Joe Rogan's Adopted Daughter is BLACK | He's Not a Racist | N-Word Scandal– Johnny Massacre Show 385
Joe Rogan's Adopted Daughter is BLACK | He's Not a Racist | N-Word Scandal– Johnny Massacre Show 385

After someone put together an out-of-context montage of Joe Rogan using the N-word quoting someone (not calling anyone the N-word) the internet has exploded and calls for Spotify to kick him off their platform have intensified.

It is obvious to anyone with a rational, functioning brain that A) Rogan is not a racist (check his guest history), B) This is a cynical ploy by his failing competitors to kneecap him … nevertheless it has escaped everybody that Joe Rogan's ADOPTED DAUGHTER IS BLACK.

Yes, he adopted his daughter and therefore there is no way this guy is the racist the mainstream media and Twitterati are making out.

Case closed.