NIGHT SHADOWS 02172022 -- The Rat Trap Has Sprung - Combat in Ukraine
NIGHT SHADOWS 02172022 -- The Rat Trap Has Sprung - Combat in Ukraine

Global Deep State MUST have their war to bring in their New World Order, and it appears, for now, that Russia will be forced into military combat to protect their two Ukrainian breakaway states from further Ukrainian military strikes.

Is it possible that we are seeing the beginning of the Armageddon Script unfolding?

That we will see WAR EVERYWHERE suddenly break out, as China will see all of this as a means to take out Taiwan, etc.

Global Deep State is run by Satan and RICH MEN.

They need WW3 to bring in their global rule.

Israel also is in the mix and may well attack Iran which would bring Russia down upon the mountains of Israel as they have treaties with both Iran and Syria and so it goes along with the mess in Canada and a possible "false flag" there to crush the "rebellion" and more...