Tucker Carlson Tonight 28 Feb 2022
Tucker Carlson Tonight 28 Feb 2022

Continuing coverage of the war in Ukraine.

There are plenty of places to get information (or just as likely propaganda) on the situation on the ground so Tucker discusses the disturbing trend of the chattering class and the foreign policy "experts" beating the war drums and encouraging direct conflict with Russian military forces.

Whether it is the establishment of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, or using US or NATO airpower to disable Russian armored columns, I always have to ask: And then what?

This question is seldom asked.

In addition, those "rascals" in the regime are grasping this conflict as a life preserver for the IIC regime.

Perhaps they can blame everything on Putin (and by extension, Trump) for their own mistakes.

Europe and the US are now dependent on Russian petrochemicals to support their economies (natural gas, crude oil, fertilizer).

This is BIDEN'S fault.

Russia and China have been pushed together and become allies, even conducting joint military exercises for the first time EVER.

This is BIDEN'S fault.

Here is a Telegram channel I have been following: