Transfer of materials on the case of beating in which I am also accused of something... ahem?!?
Transfer of materials on the case of beating in which I am also accused of something... ahem?!?

18.03.2022 I was beaten by the traffic police of the city of Krasnodon, after which I was brought to the department and under pressure I was forced to sign something, they did not give me copies..

On 03/22/2022, the staff of the prosecutor's office of the same city refused to issue a referral to a forensic expert, and later that day at the traffic police department, at my request, they still took a copy from one paper instead of two signed by me that night after the beating, there is not a single word written in my hand in the fake protocol except for the words "I received a copy on 03/22/2022G." The copy itself is also published on the channel..

They tried to hide the fact of the actual date of issue of the copy by copying the document only with the upper part of the only line written by my hand "I received a copy on 03/22/2022".

By 03/25/2022 Being absolutely not legally savvy, I prepared materials with a detailed description of the whole situation and articles under which law enforcement officers fall, asking for protection, on video I transmit materials to the court through my grandmother, Ivashchenko Ekaterina Arkadyevna, but for some reason the court still has the status on 04/14/2022.

He calls me to a meeting in which they want to accuse me of something and do not even take into account all the information received on the case..

Perhaps the grandmother is deceiving her grandson that she is transmitting materials and is personally interested in making me guilty of something in this situation..

Given the moment, I have a second meeting scheduled for 04/26/2022.

Where I am prematurely accused of something.

I will prepare an explanatory note one of these days and will hand it over to the judge personally with another brief description of the situation, stating that for some unknown reasons I receive summonses where I am accused of something and I am not notified of the change and contacts for communication with my defense lawyer.

I will explain that I will come to court only when I am allocated a defender, having previously discussed all the details with him and only together with my defender - that is, a lawyer.

I will wait until the authorities of the city of Krasnodon finally begin to act within the framework of the constitution and the charter without trampling on the rights of people, if this does not happen, I will have to petition already to the fraternal country- Russia, as thousands of fighters are fighting for our freedom and rights, and some representatives of the authorities in the city of Krasnodon dirty the Names and Bright Memory of Our Valiant Guys !!!

God Bless Them All And Eternal- Bright Memory Of The Already Departed !
