Captain Bill Smith of the Susan H Clam Dredge Boat
Captain Bill Smith of the Susan H Clam Dredge Boat

I stopped down to the White Cap Fish Market late in the morning of October 22, 2019.

My cousin George King and I were partners on a 24’ Gravey Clamboat that we birthed at the beginning of the creek adjacent Montauk Highway.

Each morning we passed the commercial Dragger on the way to the clamming grounds.

George had passed away a couple days before, and I was grappling with some memories of the years we spent together through high school digging clams. As I drove down to White Cap Fish Market, I had the pleasure of meeting Bill Smith and his crew, who run the clam dredge boat Susan H.

Bill was nice enough to let me video him while he shucked the many bushels of surf clams they harvested during the early morning hours.

Thanks Bill, and crew members, it was a pleasure meeting you fellas