Did Kanye West Outsmart The System By Ending Binding Contracts Without Penalty? 🤯
Did Kanye West Outsmart The System By Ending Binding Contracts Without Penalty? 🤯

If this is true, he got the contracts ended without penalties and that is a genius move.

He used Outrage Culture and the Woke Politics of Corporations against itself.

All he had to do is Tweet Crazy Shit and do a few Outrageous Interviews.

He's worth half a billion dollars and may have wanted to retire but his contracts wouldn't let him.

I have to say, his tweets and things he said during interviews were just too outrageous to be taken seriously and came from out of nowhere.

Plus, he wore a Gimp mask during these interviews, maybe to prevent the video from being sampled later as "Kanye said this!" material?

Maybe that was his plan all along?