Alien Arifacts, A look at early UFO  & Alien Contact - UfO Researcher Chris Aubeck & TsP
Alien Arifacts, A look at early UFO & Alien Contact - UfO Researcher Chris Aubeck & TsP

Based in Madrid, Spain, Chris Aubeck is the author of dozens of articles on Fortean themes in English and Spanish and co-author of Wonders in the Sky with Jacques Vallee.

He is also the director and co-founder of the research group Magonia Exchange, an amazing team of like-minded writers and researchers who tirelessly gather clippings and reports from obscure sources dating from antiquity to 1947, aiming to build the largest archive of early Fortean material in the world.

His approach is methodical, skeptical and open-minded to the reality (or lack thereof) of weird events.