Minoriteam - EPISODE 07 - And Justice For Some - BANNED ADULT SWIM SHOW
Minoriteam - EPISODE 07 - And Justice For Some - BANNED ADULT SWIM SHOW

Minoriteam is an American adult animated television series on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim.

It ran from 2005 to 2006, with a total of one season and 20 episodes.

The show was not renewed for another season and was cancelled.

It continued to have a web presence on the Adult Swim website, with episodes streaming intermittently, until its removal on June 12, 2020.

The plot of the show revolves around five superheroes, each of whom is based on a racial or ethnic stereotype, who join forces to fight against a bunch of villains who are mostly discriminatory concepts.

The show's artwork is largely an homage to Jack Kirby ("King Kirby" is thanked in the show's end credits), while the animation style parodies the limited animation of the Marvel Super Heroes Show of 1966.

The opening tag declaring that Minoriteam is broadcast "FULLY COLORED" is both a racial reference and an homage to the "IN COLOR" or "IN TECHNICOLOR" line opening many old cartoons.