Prof. Norman Fenton | Climate change is plagued with flawed data and models
Prof. Norman Fenton | Climate change is plagued with flawed data and models

Flawed data and flawed models are widespread in the climate change narrative.

Facts are regularly misrepresented and dissenting voices are silenced.

Dr. Fenton is an authority on this topic as an expert on probabilistic reasoning.

He was involved in climate change documentary ‘Climate Change by Numbers’ where the experts intentionally misrepresented the facts and justified the lies, stating “We all have to lie for the greater good.” Net zero policy, climate change hysteria and covid all have the same backers.

Technocracy and corrupted academia are pushing their twisted narrative for an ultimate agenda of control.

Prof. Norman Fenton spoke with Maryann Gebauer at the World Council for Health in Bath, UK.

Jun 3, 2023