“FBI Whistleblower Steve Friend”
“FBI Whistleblower Steve Friend”

This WEDNESDAY night, August 16th, 2023, on the I Detective Show.

On this show we are going to interview FBI hero and whistleblower Steve Friend.

Steve is an American hero, who saw the FBI being weaponized and coming after people who did not deserve it.

Steve demanded accountability and integrity, and called out what was wrong.

Instead of being praised, Steve face suspension and fired from the FBI.

But Steve did not just lie down, instead Steve became a hero whistleblower and testified in front of congress to tell the truth, that is a hero.

Randy Sutton will be giving us an update on the latest Law Enforcement news and of course Buck Savage will be giving us the best in Choir Practice.

So, buckle up, as we give you the unvarnished truth of what is happening in Law Enforcement today.

Join us on the I Detective Show every Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m.

Eastern Time, brought to you by KGRAdb.com, for the best alternative talk radio on the planet.