Jay Leno on Why He Refuses to Buy a Ferrari 🚫🏎️‍💨
Jay Leno on Why He Refuses to Buy a Ferrari 🚫🏎️‍💨

Ferrari are notorious pricks.

Grossly overpriced.

You must receive an invitation to buy their new models.

You sign a contract that Ferrari is allowed to take the car back and fine you if you modify it in any way, including repainting it.

Ferrari lies about everything, including the number of each model produced to make them seem more limited.

They have tons of quirks and are notoriously unreliable, famous for catching on fire.

You get hit with fees everywhere and have to slip money to the dealer to get ahead of the wait line.

No repairs can be done by anyone but Ferrari and they are steep.

For instance, an oil change can run you $10k.