Practical Solutions for Your Personal Safety | Chris Cypert, Citizens Defense Research
Practical Solutions for Your Personal Safety | Chris Cypert, Citizens Defense Research

Chris Cypert is a retired Special Forces Soldier (Green Beret), who spent the majority of his career serving in 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne).

A veteran of multiple deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, as well as numerous other operational deployments, he is experienced in the full spectrum of violence and threat mitigation from full scale combat to low-visibility and avoidance in uncertain environments.

As a professional teacher of partner forces, who culminated his career teaching advanced skills to qualified Special Operations personnel, Chris is highly experienced and proficient in curriculum development and training.

He is a RangeMaster Certified Firearms Instructor, NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, Agile Training & Consulting OC/Pepper Spray Instructor, and has attended a broad variety of open-enrollment firearm and self-defense courses geared towards civilian self-protection.

Chris works hard to translate his experience and lessons-learned into the civilian self-protection context in order to help him better safeguard himself, his wife and four kids, and also benefit the lawfully armed citizens who want to protect themselves and those for whom they are responsible.