Front Porch Brunch, Ep. 27 – The Dogs Of Middle East War, Home Hate, Speakers Race & HodgePodge Stew
Front Porch Brunch, Ep. 27 – The Dogs Of Middle East War, Home Hate, Speakers Race & HodgePodge Stew

Join us Saturday morning at 10:30 AM EST to discuss what has been an amazing week for news and as always we will have quite a bit to discuss.

On this week’s edition of Front Porch Brunch, we will be talking about any and all of the following: updates on the situation in Israel as it relates to Israel’s war with Hamas; a look at how anti-Israel hate has taken hold in places some people seemed surprised by; could Jim Jordan be on the verge of becoming Speaker Of The House; and a healthy dose of HodgePodge Stew (those stories that range anywhere from the serious to the funny to the weird or anywhere in between).

So grab yourself a cup of coffee or a mug of tea, pull up a chair, and sit down with us as we talk about the news from world.

See you Saturday morning !!!