Some Data That's Not Cool
Some Data That's Not Cool

Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (, from Tony Heller's splendid archival work showing how the U.S. NOAA systematically "adjusts" temperature to cool the past by implausible amounts to some media actually admitting cold weather is dangerous to other journalists saying dumb stuff about it, China subsidizing American alarmists who then say "deniers" take dirty money, our disagreement with Heller about whether climate change is a "hoax", Arctic ice rebounding, #ECS in the real world evidence from the troposphere and satellites, Roger Pielke Jr. on the shoddy methodology of the "Billion Dollar Disaster" database, and "midge assemblages" from Alaska confirming the once-standard view of gradual cyclical cooling from the Holocene Climatic Optimum not the revisionist "hockey stick".