WHY Is Dr. Boyce Watkins So OBSESSED With Kevin Samuels - WTF?!?
WHY Is Dr. Boyce Watkins So OBSESSED With Kevin Samuels - WTF?!?

Dr. Boyce Watkins can't let it go!

After getting roundly defeated in debate with Anton Daniels over the last weekend, wherein the two Black male YouTubers debated the merits of the arguments put forth by the Black Manosphere and the late great "Saint Kevin" Samuels in particular, it didn't take long for Dr. Watkins to go right back to what can only be rightly called an obsession with Samuels - and this, on the latter's birthday at that(!).

Psychologists would have a field day with this one, starting with the burning question: WHY is Dr. Boyce Watkins, so obsessed with Kevin Samuels?

We're gonna talk about it TODAY on Obsidian Radio - ONLY on Rumble!