Inside Pitchfork's absorption into GQ: When 'music media' becomes 'men's media,' what's lost?

Inside Pitchfork's absorption into GQ: When 'music media' becomes 'men's media,' what's lost?


Pitchfork, the most influential music publication of the internet age, is being absorbed by another entity – a men’s fashion magazine. The website, renowned for its daily record reviews scored 0.0 to 10.0, will be folded into GQ, parent company Condé Nast announced Wednesday. At least 12 staffers were laid off, three people involved in the situation told The Associated Press. Ten of those were editorial layoffs, leaving a permanent editorial staff of eight. As Pitchfork moves to its new configuration, it’s worth asking: If many view music journalism’s primary function to be discovery, what is the role of insightful writing in the era of social media and playlists?

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