Apple likely to hold virtual WWDC as other big conventions cancel in-person events

Apple likely to hold virtual WWDC as other big conventions cancel in-person events



A number of high-profile conventions this week announced in-person gatherings scheduled for spring and summer have been pushed back or cancelled completely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting Apple will do the same for its Worldwide Developers Conference.

San Diego Comic-Con, E3, and Anime Expo — all California events — this week officially cancelled plans to hold in-person gatherings out of public safety concerns, reports The Verge. If held, the typically large gatherings that attract hundreds of thousands of people could quickly become coronavirus superspreader events.The three conventions are expected to field alternatives to physical events into summer, while one, Comic-Con, is planning a three-day in-person event for November. Other conferences currently slated for fall are taking a wait-and-see approach, likely in hopes of a successful vaccine rollout.


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