Shut Up, Dude: This Week’s Best Comments



Rage Against The Machine are back and only a little battered. It was actually a big week for long-gestating rock reunion news. Jawbox surprise released their first music in 26 years. Porno For Pyros played “Cursed Male” for the first time in 25 years. Archers Of Loaf shared a song from their first album in 24 years. Unwound announced their first shows in 21 years. And a band calling itself “Pantera” is planning its first tour in over 20 years. Meanwhile Chris and I are in Chicago for Pitchfork Music Festival and tonight plan to see Karate, who just played their first show in 17 years. Let’s hear it for old-timey music! If you’re at the fest, head to our Discord for meetup info. I’ve got ‘Gum pins and stickers and can share my umbrella.

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