Jewish settlers'' breaches of Al Aqsa Mosque continue

Jewish settlers'' breaches of Al Aqsa Mosque continue


(MENAFN - Jordan News Agency) Occupied Jerusalem, June 22 (Petra) �� Far-right Rabbi Yehuda Glick Tuesday led dozens of extremist Jewish settlers in storming the Al Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, the latest provocation against Muslim worshippers and guards at the holy compound.Eyewitnesses told Petra's reporter in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank that heavily armed Israeli military police provided escort to the ultraorthodox Jews as they brreached the complex, one of Islam's holiest shrines, from the Bab Al Magharibah Gate and performed rituals amid the cries of Muslim worshippers and guards.//Petra//SS 22/06/2021 15:46:58MENAFN22062021000117011021ID1102327272

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