Cardinal Cupich instrumental in ouster of Puerto Rican bishop, priests report (CNA)

Cardinal Cupich instrumental in ouster of Puerto Rican bishop, priests report (CNA)

Catholic Culture


Four priests of the Diocese of Arecibo, Puerto Rico told the ACI Prensa news agency that they understood Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago had made an apostolic visitation of their diocese, leading up to the removal of Bishop Daniel Fernandez Torres.

Cardinal Cupich was in Puerto Rico last October, and met with Bishop Torres, during a visit to deliver support to hurricane-relief efforts. But the priests reported that at a diocesan meeting following the bishop’s removal, they were told that the cardinal had been conducting a visitation of the diocese, following complaints that Bishop Torres was at odds with other bishops in Puerto Rico.

Bishop Torres has said that he was unaware of any visitation, and never informed about charges against him. He declined a Vatican request for his resignation, saying that it was unjust. On March 9, the Vatican announced without explanation that the Pope had removed Bishop Torres from office.

The complaints against Bishop Torres reportedly focused on his refusal to join in a statement that all Catholics have a “duty” to accept Covid vaccination, his opposition to a law that banned “conversion therapy” for homosexuals, and his decision not to send seminarians from his diocese to a new interdiocesan seminary.

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