Nikon Z 5, Z 6, and Z 7 Cameras Receive New Firmware - Update Now



Nikon has rolled out new firmware packages targeted at its Z 5, Z 6, and Z 7 digital cameras, namely versions 1.01, 3.11, and 3.11, respectively, which resolves an issue encountered when the devices were used with an MB-N10 battery pack. Specifically speaking, when having a MB-N10 battery pack with two batteries installed and an EN-EL15 or EN-EL15a in Chamber A, the camera would sometimes fail to switch to the battery in Chamber B when the battery in Chamber A was exhausted. When it comes to installation, first back up all settings changed from the default values, as well as any important files to avoid any data loss, make sure your camera’s battery is fully charged, and don’t interrupt the upgrade in any way once initiated. That said, save and run the downloadable package (available for Mac OS and Windows platforms), transfer the newly extracted .bin file onto a formatted memory card, and insert the SD card into the appropriate slot. Afterward, go to SETUP MENU ...

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