Simplify cooking with Anova’s Smart Sous Vide Nano: $90 (Reg. $129)

Simplify cooking with Anova’s Smart Sous Vide Nano: $90 (Reg. $129)



Daily Steals is offering the Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker Nano for *$89.99 shipped*. That’s $39 off the typical rate, undercuts Amazon’s discount by $19, and comes within $5 of the lowest 2020 price we have tracked. Once armed with Anova Nano, you’ll be ready to nail recipe-making “every time” thanks to its ability to consistently cook your meals. Unlike many other models, this Anova offering features Bluetooth connectivity to allow control from a paired smartphone. It’s “small enough to fit into your kitchen drawer” yet “powerful enough to prepare food for a table of four.” Rated 4.7/5 stars.


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