meross’ latest sale includes HomeKit garage door openers, plugs, lighting, more from $18

meross’ latest sale includes HomeKit garage door openers, plugs, lighting, more from $18



The official meross Amazon storefront is now offering several of its HomeKit-enabled smart home products on sale *from $18*. Our favorite is the Wi-Fi Smart Garage Door Opener Remote for *$37.49 shipped*. Simply clip the on-page coupon to redeem the discounted price. Down from $50, today’s deal is less than $2 above the lowest price that we’ve seen all-time and is the second-best deal to date. If your garage door still requires you to enter a code or press a button to open and close, then it’s time to change that. It allows you to use Apple’s HomeKit with Siri, Google Assistant, and even Amazon Alexa to issue voice commands to open or close your garage door. Plus, you can tie it into smart home automations, automatically opening and closing the door based on various other factors. Rated 4.5/5 stars. Head below for more.


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