‘Big Brother’ Fans Hail Claire as ‘Ally of The Century’ for Grace as Veto Replacement

The Wrap


Things went exactly the way Tiffany hoped they wouldn’t on Wednesday’s episode of “Big Brother,” forcing her to put up her best friend in the house for eviction. But Claire’s grace and support of Tiffany’s reasoning has fans applauding her.

When Tiffany’s original target Alyssa won the power of veto and took herself off the chopping block, Tiffany was forced to either nominate Claire as a replacement, or break up the Cookout alliance, which has remained masterfully hidden. Though Tiffany didn’t outright reveal her alliance to Claire, she did make it clear why Claire had to be her next choice: to preserve the Cookout’s plan of ensuring a Black winner.

“So many people won’t get it,” Claire said in her diary room video after learning of her fate. “But I get it. And that’s why I can’t fight her on this.”

Her words have “Big Brother” fans cheering, dubbing her “the ally of the century” and a “top tier human being.”

Not Claire being the ally of the century #bb23 pic.twitter.com/IasuiJqNWw

— Malia #BB23 (@bb_niaz) September 9, 2021

At the start of this season, an alliance called The Cookout was formed, made up of Tiffany, Kyland, Xavier, Derek F., Azah and Hannah. Their goal? To ensure that a Black person not only wins “Big Brother,” but that the final six contestants are all people of color.

In her diary video, Claire acknowledged that she totally supports Tiffany and her comrades, citing a long history of people of color exiting the game early.

She still plans to “go out like a lion” and fight as hard as she can, but knowing her fate is all but entirely sealed fans are preparing to say goodbye to her during Thursday’s double eviction.

“Nothing but love and respect for claire,” one person tweeted. “A genuine friend, a true ally, and a graceful competitor with a heart of gold.”

You can check out more reactions to Claire’s words below.

Claire saying she gets why Tiffany is doing what she is doing because of what happens every season in big brother #bb23 pic.twitter.com/bNLetgia2Z

— James Fulford (@jayawa24) September 9, 2021

Bless Claire though. She’s being so graceful right now. We were blessed to have her this season. #bb23 pic.twitter.com/S9OFeB3Uju

— #bb23 (@bbprince_) September 5, 2021


— r (@keeshfests) September 9, 2021

CLAIRE IS A TOP TIER HUMAN BEING #BigBrother #bigbrother23 #BB23 pic.twitter.com/34x7ZjNVw9

— pork (@tedyduncan_puss) September 9, 2021

nothing but love and respect for claire. a genuine friend, a true ally, and a graceful competitor with a heart of gold #BB23 pic.twitter.com/rsgsFxvGna

— erin ✰ (@janellegend_) September 9, 2021

Damnit after Claire admitted she “gets it” NOW I WANT HER TO STAY!! See white ppl a little acknowledgment goes a long way! Especially when y’all know y’all see the bullshit. #BigBrother #BB23 pic.twitter.com/Jmw6fVF1Jw

— fjoy (@figgi910) September 9, 2021

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