Simone Biles: A tremendous act of courage

Simone Biles: A tremendous act of courage



The tremendous act of selfless courage demonstrated by US gymnast Simone Biles was the most difficult decision but the right one on many levels Quite how Simone Biles is feeling today after dropping out of the Team and Individual Gymnastics events at the Tokyo Olympic games is anyone’s guess. She is probably on a roller-coaster of mixed emotions, disappointment, confusion, relief, anxiety, flash-backs, terror, emptiness and a huge sense of questioning, Where do I go from here? The answer to all that is “It is OK”. A selfless act of tremendous courage Her monumental decision to drop out of the events to concentrate on herself could not come at a more relevant time, when public figures are coming out about mental health issues. Her selfless act, putting not only her own well-being but also the team and her country in first place, as she realised that on the day she just did not have what it took to explode out on the mat, was the right decision on many levels.

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