Ukraine tensions: The true picture

Ukraine tensions: The true picture



2022. Suddenly the western media is trading stories about impending war, sabre rattling while TV stations parade Victoria Nuland as some form of oracle So we wake up in 2022 and take a look around us. The first words that spring to mind are “What the...?” We have stories of the British supplying weapons systems to Ukraine so that people can be murdered, we have Victoria Nuland paraded on SKY News claiming that Russia’s moves are typical of a country that is possibly intending to conduct a false flag event, attacking its own troops and blaming Ukraine and creating a pretext to invade. All this while the social media has gone wild with stories about “Putin” wanting “Lebensraum” for Russians. And yes, it must be true, because I saw it on the Internet! And on television! Hey, wait a moment here guys, calm down, take a seat, make yourselves a nice cup of coffee, whoa! Hold your horses! Breathe deeply. What brought all of this on suddenly? Is someone trying to find a story to take our minds off Covid? Does someone have political problems at home? Are we following the notion, If you want to control a guy, make him afraid? Is NATO making yet another attempt at self-justification?

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