EU sanctions – Boomerang

EU sanctions – Boomerang



When a world leader of a superpower calls another world leader of equal status a "butcher” a "scum” and a "mass murderer” with added insinuations for a "regime change” and "genocide” accusations, it breaks all rules of diplomatic coexistence among civilized nations. Offensive rhetoric is certainly not befitting for any statesman! Those personal insults were actually made by the US President against President Vladimir Putin in retaliation to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The war bombardment and atrocities in the killing fields of Ukraine certainly cannot be justified, at least not by reasonable-minded persons or civilized societies! A limited armed conflict could be stomached but the death-of- thousands belong in a dark theatre of insanity! NATO's grooming of the Zelenskiy government to join the alliance has been at the crux of the problem! Moscow considers Ukraine's ambitions to join NATO a military threat and Putin's warnings were totally ignored to respect Russia's security anxieties. The same security anxieties were expressed by the USA in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis. John Kennedy considered Russian missiles close to its borders presented a serious threat to American security and had to be stopped! Luckily, common sense prevailed at the time and the crisis was defused with President Kennedy seen as a hero for averting a nuclear war from starting; and rightly so! Compare those same anxieties shared by Russia, and the war in Ukraine could equally have been avoided. But that was not part of the greater plan and the Zelenskiy regime has chosen conflict instead of negotiating a peaceful solution! Three months into the war and it's quite obvious that Ukraine is used as a proxy for ulterior motives. The rabblerousing propaganda fortified by sanctions by the US, EU and NATO appears to be well synchronized for maximum impact to isolate Russia on the world stage. It is not the first time Pentagon used demonizing tactics to destabilize perceived "enemies of the west” to spark yet another conflict thousands of miles away from the American coast. Winning or losing wars is all a part of the bigger game by the Dark State within a State; those are the powerful military arms manufacturers, banking institutions and corporations that always prosper on wars and conflict! Antony Blinken the US Secretary of State has recently introduced a new US foreign policy to "relax red tape on arm sales” so US weapons can be exported much quicker to EU and other countries.Even so, political amnesia seems to be more common than reality; The 1945 US nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed over half a million civilians; the ugly carnage and genocide during the USA-Vietnam war (1955-1975) over three million people have lost their lives; just like the Armenian and Greek Genocide by the Turks and Hitler's Holocaust of the Jews; the Afghanistan war (2001-2021) was another war of expediency with the loss of nearly one million lives including the US-NATO invasions of Iraq (2003-2011) with thousands of casualties. War fatigue and lied to, citizens today expect global leaders to be judged not only by their actions but also by their words! Words play an important role but the propaganda and rousing rhetoric spawned out of the Ukraine-Russian war have broken all the rules of dignity, trustfulness and common sense. Instead of defusing the conflict by negotiation, the killing frenzy continues to no end in sight! Meanwhile, Zelenskiy demands more and even heavier weapons to defend his country "to the very last Ukrainian citizen”. It seems as if war madness has consumed logic and humanity. Napoleonic Sanctions Another world power used a similar strategy in 1806. The Continental Blockade (Blocus continental) was a foreign policy of Napoleon Banaparte against Britain during the Napoleonic Wars. The Berlin Decree of 1806-1807 proclaimed a far-reaching political and trade embargo against the British Empire. It decreed that French allies including all other non-aligned countries must not trade with Britain! Any country that broke the rules of the embargo was treated as an enemy of France and military reprisals were taken against the offending state.All relations with Britain were cut off including the mail and in due course the Continental Blockade proved useless. Napoleon realized the French embargo did not succeed because trade continued clandestinely through Spain and Tsar-Alexander's Russia. In response, his armies invaded both countries but suffered severe losses and ultimately he retreated from Russia in 1812. The affects of the embargo against Britain caused little economic damage to Britain's overall world trade. In fact, losing Britain as a trading partner backfired and hit the economies of France and its allies the hardest. Angry governments finally ignored the Continental Blockade, which led to weakening Napoleon's coalition and eventual downfall. Boomerang effect There is a canny similarity of Napoleon's failed Blocus Continental! The US, EU, NATO sanctions on Russia can in fact boomerang and generate self-inflicting toxic results at the threat of triggering War World III!The unwavering commitment to provide weapons and western military planning advisors to Ukraine raises eyebrows!

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