Sam Bankman-Fried's bond is fake and only worth 2-3 million. This govt-theatre arrest-bail resembles a pre-arranged dramatic classic news

Sam Bankman-Fried's bond is fake and only worth 2-3 million. This govt-theatre arrest-bail resembles a pre-arranged dramatic classic news



FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried clinched a bail deal on Thursday that would see him released on a $250 million bond secured against his parents' property with restrictions on his movement. Here is an explainer on how his deal stacks up and how bail works: Was Bankman-Fried expected to get bail?…

#usmagistrate #nicolasroos #jackqueen #josephbankman #bankmanfried #paloalto #bernardmadoff #elizabethholmes #gabrielgorenstein #danielwallis

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