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Global Edition
Sunday, June 2, 2024

30 Hour Famine

Credit: KIMT
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30 Hour Famine
30 Hour Famine
Building empathy for poverty

10 percent of the world's population lives on less than 2 uás dollars a day... that's according to data from the world bank.

Students in austin are going 30 hours without eating... to get a small taste of what poverty is like á and to raise money for those who experience extreme hunger.

Kimt news 3's annalise johnson was there as an austin church prepared for the "30 day famine."

She joins us live.


For many of us here in rochester and all over the uá s á when we feel hungry á it's as simple as opening the fridge and taking our pick at an abundance of food.

But for many others á both in other countries and even right here in southeastern minnesota á it's not always that simple.

According to nonprofit "world vision" á there are more than 800 million chronically hungry peopl in the world.

"just to appreciate the things we take for granted, like a bed."

Outreach coordinator dan mueller is organizing and leading the 30 hour famine at bethlehem church in austin.

He and a group of students will spend the next 30 hours within the church learning about poverty.

"during that time, learning about what its like to be hungry, to be in poverty, and what does that look like in the way of water, food, and lighting, and some of the things that we really take for granted here."

Students will be tasked with different activities... like piecing together various scraps to build a shelter.

"in some large cities, especially in some of the more poverty stricken places is being able to create a shelter if there's a storm or if there's weather out of things they find around them."

Youth from all over austin á not just members of bethlehem church á will be taking part... including some from impoverished communities or refugee camps themselves.

"and to be thankful for what they came from, to see what they came from, and many of them with family members still living in those conditions, and also to teach kids who haven't had those difficulties, have never been in want."

As part of the program á the group will pack meals for real hope for the hungry á a local effort to distribute food in the austin area and worldwide.

They will also raise money for world vision.

School lunch was kids' final meal before the famine.

When the students break their fast saturday night á they'll eat the same meal that they're packing to send to other countries.

Live in rochester annalise johnson kimt news 3.

You can donate to the students' mission... we'll have a link on our website at kimt dot com.

$40 feeds one child for a month.

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