Dad makes hilarious mistake when getting daughter ready for school
Dad makes hilarious mistake when getting daughter ready for school

A Maryland dad ended up causing both hilarity and plenty of spousal drama after he tried to help his daughter get ready for the day.

The mishap started when Brad Friedlander was supposed to take his 3-year-old daughter, Brooklyn, to her music class.

His wife, Aliza, had an early meeting, so she asked her husband to help Brooklyn get dressed.

After Brooklyn managed to dress herself in a pair of “short shorts,” Brad assumed his daughter was ready for class.

When Brooklyn got to class, things got a lot more dramatic.

That’s because, as it turned out, Brooklyn’s “short shorts,” were actually potty training underwear.

Aliza confronted her husband in a text conversation she shared entirely to Instagram.

“She is in underwear,” Aliza texts her husband, who responds, “OK, well don’t leave them in her drawer for her to pick”.

The mom goes on telling him the incident had become “the talk of the school." “At least she was wearing something,” Brad responds.

Aliza theorized that her daughter knew exactly what she was doing.

Ultimately, both parents seemed to take the whole thing in stride