TikTok users are sharing the baby blankets they still sleep with every night
TikTok users are sharing the baby blankets they still sleep with every night

Several adult social media users are going viral after sharing the items they’ve been sleeping with since they were babies.The trend, which began on TikTok with a user named coreyxnathaniel has spawned a massive online debate — .with some calling the videos “nasty” while others have found them extremely relatable.Each clip follows a similar format, with users — many of whom are in their early to mid-20s — revealing their decades-old baby blankets.Many of the clips left the internet deeply divided over whether sleeping with a baby blanket is gross or comforting.“You may as well go sleep with the spiders in the corner,” one commenter wrote.

“LMAO I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE,” another wrote.One TikTok user named twigstrem, who is 22, shared the plush, “baby development toy” she’s slept with since childhood.

“His name is Friend don’t come for me,” the user captioned her video.“I think friend may need to go to the hospital,” one commenter joked.for many TikTok users, the videos gave them a chance to find solidarity in something they’d previously been embarrassed by.“I expected this to flop but even tho its a little embarrassing to still have Friend, it’s nice knowing ppl my age still find comfort in their bby toys,” twigstrem commented on her clip