Mom adorably freaks out when she finds out she has another grandchild
Mom adorably freaks out when she finds out she has another grandchild

TikTok user lily.greiser shared an adorable video of her cousin, Tommy, revealing to his mom that he’s not just a proud dad to one new baby.but two!.“My cousin Tommy surprised his mom with a secret twin,” lily.greiser said in the video.When Tommy came into the room where mom was sitting with his newborn daughter, he had his newborn son in his arms.His mom was immediately shocked.tommy explained that he and his partner knew they were having twins, but they wanted it to be a surprise for everyone else.Because of restrictions related to the global pandemic, no one came with them to their baby appointments, and they couldn’t visit after the twins were they were able to pull off the surprise pretty easily.

Most commenters were over the moon for the family.Step aside, gender reveals — “twin reveals” are taking over the internet now