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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Contrary Creek Aid Funding (7-27-20)

Credit: KQTV
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Contrary Creek Aid Funding (7-27-20)
Contrary Creek Aid Funding (7-27-20)
Contrary Creek Aid Funding (7-27-20)

Thousand dollars in emergency funding, good evening i'm jodie o'brien.

This funding is for the contrary creek flooding clean-up and the money will go towards dumpsters, debris removal, and bathrooms to assist people working to save their homes.

Kq2s madeline mcclain was at the city council meeting and found out why one flood victim says that's not enough.

City officials are answering critics accusing them of sitting on their hands -- while residents in the southend watched their homes destroyed by water.shannon hutcherson: "i want people to put their puts on and come out and help us."shannon hutcherson has spent the last week trying to save her home.

And she says it's about time the city helped.shannon hutcherson: we have nothing.

We had 20 minutes to get out.

South side homes were soaked by heavy rain, a debris jam in contrary creek and overwhelmed city sewers last week poured into the yards and basements of more than 170 homes people have lost everything they own.

Not just their homes but their cars, and the clothes off their back even.

And residents say city officials didn't show up when it happened.or in the week since.shannon hutcherson: i want them to have their boots on.

I want the council to have their boots on.

I want them to help clean up just as much as we are."city council member bryan myer says he heard this complaint from lots of south siders when he went to see how bad it was for himself.

Bryan myers: it is one of the most heartbreaking things i have ever had to see and my heart goes out to them."he says city workers have been there -- the fire department and city streets.bryan myers: they were down there this morning clearing debris from roadways and you know they are working non-stop.

They are working so hard without any extra pay to get this done."he says that doesn't mean the city and city officials couldn't be doing of the things that these residents were asking me about if there's any way we can get our elected officials to go down there on the clock and lend some assistance in some kind of way.additionally, the city has verbally agreed to send more police to stand guard of people's homes to ward of permit fees and and sewer bills, bringing another round of tetanus shots -- to the southside comes to big money -- city officials say residents need to think bigger -- and by that -- they mean those with bigger pockets.bryan myers: may not be the time and resources we have at the local level.

We need to speak to our state representatives and ultimately get our governor involved.and while people flood officials' phones the rest of us to put on our boots and help.shannon hutcherson: so we need our own people our own community to step up and volunteer their time to help muck out those homes.reporting in st.

Joseph -- madeline mcclain kq2 news.

Mayor bill mcmurray wrote a letter to the governor asking for him to declare the flooding a state emergency -- triggering the release of financial aid... he also spoke with state lawmakers, u.s. senator blunt's office and u.s. representative graves office to get answers about what is available to help

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