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Global Edition
Monday, June 3, 2024

Jack Sharman, HSV Police Citizens Advisory Board

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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Jack Sharman, HSV Police Citizens Advisory Board
Jack Sharman, HSV Police Citizens Advisory Board
Jack Sharman, HSV Police Citizens Advisory Board

We have new information this morning on a story we first brought to you last night.

The huntsville police citizens advisory council held its first listening session to hear from the public about the early june protests in downtown huntsville.

More than 20 people spoke in front of the council on wednesday to voice their opinions.

The vast majority say police acted inappropriately in response to the protests on june 1 and june 3.

Many argue that the after- action report was also problematic.

An attorney representing the council says they will publish materials gathered by both police and citizens in an effort to be as transparent as possible.

The next listening session is scheduled for the morning of august 28.

Joining is now via zoom is jack sharman, one of the attorneys for the huntsville police citizens advisory council.

Jack - good morning.

Pause now that the first listening session has wrapped up about the early june interactions between huntsville police and protestors.

20 people showed up.

What's your initial impression of how things went last evening?

Take us through the process of what happens now through the next listening session in two weeks?

We know there are more than 750 comments that have been offered so far.

What happens to the comments?

How can the general public see and hear what happened?

There are emotions and there are facts ... and sometimes those get blended together.

How can citizens feel that the process is fair to all sides?

The next listening session is august 28th - and there may be more for other organizations to come forward, after all of this, what will eventually happen?

What's the ultimate goal here?

Is this a means of changing police policy?

Jack sharman - one of the attorneys for the huntsville police citizens advisory council.

Thanks for joining us.

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