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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lawsuit filed for protester hit in the eye with gas cannister

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Lawsuit filed for protester hit in the eye with gas cannister
Lawsuit filed for protester hit in the eye with gas cannister
Lawsuit filed for protester hit in the eye with gas cannister

Wfft dot com.

Tonight -- the protester who lost his eye during the protests in fort wayne says his message isn't changing... now filing a lawsuit against the city of fort wayne for their part in his 55's chris mullooly reports on what the lawsuit says about a specific police officer..

And their role in the shooting.

The aclu came onto co counsel my case against fort wayne" balin brake says the lawsuit is five months in the making.

The lawsuit brakes attorneys filed friday morning... blames the city of fort wayne... and a fort wayne police officer in particular... for the loss of brkes eye.we know it was a fwpd officer orignially we didn't know if it was the sheriffs department or what role brake was a part of protests held outside the allen county courthouse in late may.the protests... in the wake of the death of george floyd... called for racial justice.protests spilled onto the street..

Where for two days police used tear gas and pepper spray to try and disperse the crowd.

Brake who was hit by a gas cannister on the second day.... police initially said he was trying to throw a gas cannister back at them... which brake has denied.he says the mental toll since the injury has been hardest for him.mentally its a whole nother story its a day by day thing its a traumatic event for a lot of people and itthe lawsuit filed by the american civil liberties union states brake was running from police as they fired tear gas when he was hit...and say the department violated brake's first and fourth amendment.

Brake says the support he received has helped immensely.

Means a lot to me and i really cant say enough about all the things people have said and done for me since everythig has happened it truly means a lotand says the lawsuit will hold those accountable for their actions...against brake both physically and mentally... and the hundreds of others who were out protesting with him.

I've said all i can say if people still choose to believe what they want to believe i can't help that we reached out to both the a-c-l-u and left a message for city of fort wayne's attorney.

And have

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