Things Get Hot Again Between Rand Paul and Fauci | FBI Doesn't Deny January 6th Involvement | Ep 315
Things Get Hot Again Between Rand Paul and Fauci | FBI Doesn't Deny January 6th Involvement | Ep 315

Things were intense on Capitol Hill again this week as two separate hearings spiraled out of control.

Dr. Fauci was on the stand where he again was slammed by Senator Rand Paul.

Fauci got visibly peeved and even took the Lord's name in vain after a sequence with Senator Marshall, who is also a physician.

Then Senators Cruz and Cotton tried to get the FBI and DOJ to discuss Ray Epps and the FBI's involvement in the events of January 6th.

Plus, USA Today deleted a rather peculiar tweet and you need ID, a vaccine and mask to go out starting Saturday.