LEGACY - Last Stand at Fairy Creek
LEGACY - Last Stand at Fairy Creek

When you’re here, there’s nothing more important, more compelling, more vivid & alive, meaningful, hopeful, & true, than simply being here.

One arrives a stranger.

And within a few days one’s life is changed as one becomes ever more deeply part of the fabric that is the supporting community of Fairy Creek.

And I say community, rather than blockade, because that is what this place has become, in the months of strife & struggle, in the ongoing fight to save these irreplaceable trees, this magical ecosystem.

All manner of humanity seem to wind up here - people destined to sit in trees, people who call themselves land-defenders, people known as First Nations, old & young, rich and poor, straight & left of centre, everyone comes to see what they can do to try to save the last remaining ancient rainforest of British Columbia, Canada.