Everything You Need to Know About July's Supermoon
Everything You Need to Know About July's Supermoon

Everything You Need to Know , About July's Supermoon.

CNN reports that July's supermoon, the buck moon, will begin illuminating the night sky on July 12.


The buck moon reaches its peak on July 13.

The supermoon may appear larger and brighter than other full moons.


The term "supermoon" typically refers to a full moon within 90% of its closest distance to Earth.

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, July's buck moon is the closest our satellite will come to Earth in 2022.

CNN reports that the buck moon will be most visible on the West Coast, across the Great Plains and in the Midwest.

Unlike some astronomical events, there's not (a situation where) you've got to look at it this instant or else you miss it, Noah Petro, chief of NASA's Planetary Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Lab, via CNN.

There's really no moment that you have to be looking at it to maximize your enjoyment of the full moon.

If it's cloudy and you don't want to be outside, just go one of the next nights, Noah Petro, chief of NASA's Planetary Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Lab, via CNN.

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the buck moon received its name because male deer fully grow out their antlers in July.

2022 will feature five other full moons: .

August 11 - Sturgeon moon September 10 - Harvest moon October 9 - Hunter's moon November 8 - Beaver moon December 7 - Cold moon