Liberty Conspiracy - Passage of 'Inflation Reduction Act' Shows Lies, Pork, Immorality 8-8-22
Liberty Conspiracy - Passage of 'Inflation Reduction Act' Shows Lies, Pork, Immorality 8-8-22

Greetings, fellow Conspirators!

Thank you for fighting for freedom!

In this production, we expand on Gardner's presentation for MRCTV, going into additional features of the bill, and offering amplification on two key (and disastrous) aspects.

Check it out!

We hope you find it worthwhile, and that you'll share and subscribe, visiting our channels on Bitchute, Rumble, or Odysee!

You can find Gardner's MRCTV work on their YouTube and Rumble channels, as well as at - and yuo can find Gardner's Substack here: Thank you, again!

Be Seeing You!