ASU MULTICULTURAL CENTER VIDEO 《 White Students Forced Out of ASU ‘Multicultural Center’ 》
ASU MULTICULTURAL CENTER VIDEO 《 White Students Forced Out of ASU ‘Multicultural Center’ 》

"#AsuMulticulturalCenterVideo #AsuMulticulturalCenterIncident #ArizonaStateUniversityWhiteStudents White Students Forced Out of ASU ‘Multicultural Center’ A video that appears to show students harassing two white students at Arizona State University's "multicultural center" has gone viral on social media.

In the video, off-camera students appear to insult a laptop sticker that reads "Police Lives Matter" before urging white students to leave the multicultural center, proclaiming "white is not a culture." In a statement to Breitbart News, ASU wrote, "Disagreements are part of the university experience." "What I have done wrong?" The video begins with a question from a white student, to which a non-white student replies, “You are offensive.

'Police lives matter?'" "You're making this room uncomfortable," the student continues offscreen.

"You are white.

Do you understand what a multicultural space [means]?

It means you are not centered.” The student believed to be directing the video goes on to claim that "white isn't a culture" before revealing that the video is being filmed at Arizona State University (ASU).

"That's the violence that ASU uses, and that's the kind of people they protect," the student says.

"This white man thinks he can take our space and that's why we need a multicultural space because they think they can get away with this shit." Another student present then asked the white students to leave the multicultural center if they "show any consideration for people of color and are excluded".

White students are then told they can visit "all the rest of the campus" where they can be "centered" — meaning that non-white students are not "centered" anywhere on campus except within the multicultural school center .

"Every single part of the campus centers you," the student explained.

"This is the only space you're not centered in, and you're still trying to center yourself, which is white cis male bullshit." "I'm not a racist, I'm just studying," replied one of the white students.

"You're racist, your sticker is racist — you can choose to be a cop, I didn't choose to be black," argues the student.

"You can choose to be a cop, you can choose to kill people with a badge, and you protect that shit, which means you're racist." From there, the white student says he's sorry, adding, "I wasn't trying to offend you guys." "I know, but that automatically offends us because these people are killing people like me," claims one student.

"So you're promoting our killers." Then the white student, looking frustrated at this point, stands up and announces, "I'm paying the same friggin' tuition as you!

Besides school, I work 60 hours a week because my parents don’t just give me money!” Turning Point USA at Arizona State University Chapter President Julia Cartwright told Breitbart News, "TPUSA ASU supports and defends the First Amendment rights of every student." "We stand with the young men who were mistreated as they stood up for freedom on our campus," Cartwright added.

“We do not tolerate any form of discrimination.

We welcome them to join our movement to restore freedom to ASU.” Universities across the country enable this type of behavior by creating so-called "multicultural centers" on their campuses.

Last year, a woman who appeared to be a student at the University of Virginia was caught on video announcing that she was "uncomfortable" as "POC" at the sight of "too many white people" at the school's new multicultural center feel.

In 2019, the editors of the Williams College student newspaper urged the school to adopt racially segregated housing to make the college "a less harmful place" and a "more inclusive institution." In 2018, American University students and administrators pushed for "spaces" on campus dedicated to "students of color," claiming that doing so would promote diversity and inclusion at the university.

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