Justice for VAXXED
Justice for VAXXED

The film opens with a woman who has severe convulsions who explains they began just 2 days after getting the moderna vaccine.

Followed by a similar case with a woman whose legs won't stop convulsing.

Then an Australian spokesperson speaks about more severe measures to be taken against anti vaxers.

89,000 have been injured by the vaccines.

Followed by Vaccine Propaganda by CNN.

Then Proof that ALL media is scripted and controlled by the same people.

Next up is Reiner Fuellmich an attorney presenting the case for crimes against humanity.

Then it's a special propaganda piece created by Microsoft.

Fauci warned of a pandemic under Trump back in 2017.

Animated piece "Are you getting the Vaccine?".

Blood clots in the heart.

Man speaks about vaccines.

Crimes against humanity part 2.

Doctor makes discovery that will make your jaw drop.

Crimes against humanity part 3.

Getting familiar with Yuval Noah Harari.

People that died from the vaccine.

Crimes against humanity part 4.