Famous Dem's Kid Gets Red-Pilled, Are the Youth Waking Up? | Scott Walker | POLITICS | Rubin Report
Famous Dem's Kid Gets Red-Pilled, Are the Youth Waking Up? | Scott Walker | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker about his reaction to the midterm elections; why Republicans need to do better than just say they don’t like Joe Biden; how Ohio became a red state while Michigan became a blue state; how the abuse of emergency powers during the COVID pandemic exposed who leaders really were; how the real divide is between white collar workers, who had the luxury of remote work, and blue collar workers who didn’t; how even young children are being subjected to communist indoctrination in schools; why YAF is suing Clovis Community College; how Ben Shapiro is able to spread his message to the young, despite liberal colleges not letting him speak; how a Trump 2024 campaign could affect a Ron DeSantis 2024 presidential run; why school choice is vital to protecting the young from indoctrination in school; how charter schools and school vouchers can help people escape a horrible public school education; why the Young America's Foundation focuses more on the students at liberal colleges; how prominent Democrat Susan Rice ended up with a redpilled son; the growing divide between urban and suburban voters; and much more.