Organizers Declare Global 4-Day Workweek Pilot a Success
Organizers Declare Global 4-Day Workweek Pilot a Success

Organizers Declare Global, 4-Day Workweek , Pilot a Success.

CNN reports that a global pilot program testing a four-day workweek found that the change is good for business.

According to the organizers of 4 Day Week Global, a majority of the 33 companies testing the schedule said it would be unlikely they would return to a standard workweek.

Approximately 97% of the 495 employees who participated in the pilot program said they wanted to continue with a four-day workweek.


CNN reports that most of the participating companies were based in the United States and Ireland.

Workers who participated in a follow-up survey , reported lower levels of stress, , fatigue, insomnia and burnout.

They also reported improvements in, both physical and mental health.

According to the survey, the four-day week helped company earnings, with an average increase of 38% over the same time last year.

The trial's lead researcher, Juliet Schor, said that workers did not report that the intensity of their work increased with the shorter workweek.

The trial's lead researcher, Juliet Schor, said that workers did not report that the intensity of their work increased with the shorter workweek.

This suggests that the work reorganization strategy succeeded and performance was not achieved via [speeding up], which is neither sustainable nor desirable, Juliet Schor, lead researcher and professor of sociology at Boston College, via CNN.

CNN reports that a similar six-month trial in the United Kingdom concluded earlier this month with results due in February