Predictive Programming: A Weapon Used Against Us
Predictive Programming: A Weapon Used Against Us

In order for our collective reality to experience specific timelines and versions of reality that the ruling class want us to accept, they need to mold our free will in a way that forces us to consent to their evil deeds.

And they don't care whether we hand our free will over to them consciously or unconsciously.

In fact, they are quite satisfied that we do so unconsciously on a regular basis.

In order to obtain this unconsious consent from us, the use the single greatest mind control tool ever created in human history--the television is what is most often used against us.

It is the most popular method to implement neuro-linguistic programming to our brains, which are simply biological computers.

They use the TV to upload certain, often very destructive programs that we American willingly sit for hours in our Theta-wave (dreamlike) brain states, absorbing whatever content they wish to train our conscious and subconscious minds with.

Within the themes, scripts, and storylines of these programs (TV shows and movies), they use a psychological method known as Revelation of the Method (a.k.a.

"predictive programming) which actually tells us what they intend to do to us.

This is how they force us to cede our free will to them without us really knowing that we're doing so.

The aim of the scriptwriters is to place the public into a collective state of trauma using a psychological method known as Trauma-based Mind Control.

Using that tool, a revelation of their method is exactly what we are shown during the program.

They get into our subconscious mind and imprint (and subconsciously accept) the event before it actually takes place.

Our minds are effectively infused in the collective consciousness with visuals and images of an event before it's about to play out.

When the event does actually play out in reality, victims of this type of mass mind control cannot make a clear connection, because the event will be similar, if not identical to the events in a televison program or movie that they watched.

It's all about getting the essence of this imagery into our collective consciousness, and that's why reality looks so set in stone to us when these events do actually happen; because we're so used to this imagery that we're exposed to by the time that something happens that it's like we've been prepared and already conditioned for it to happen.

Consequently, we never resist, and we never fight back, because subconsciously, we've already accepted these events before they happen.